Complete IIT JEE 2024 Physics Syllabus

The Physics syllabus for JEE 2024 is divided into 20 units, covering fundamental concepts and advanced applications in mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, modern physics, and experimental skills. Here is a detailed unit-wise breakdown:


Unit 1: Physics and Measurement

Units of measurement: SI units, fundamental and derived units.

Significant figures, errors in measurement, dimensional analysis, and its applications.


Unit 2: Kinematics

Motion in straight lines and planes, relative velocity.

Concepts of position-time and velocity-time graphs, equations of motion.

Projectile motion, uniform circular motion, and vector resolution.


Unit 3: Laws of Motion

Newton’s laws of motion, force, inertia, and momentum.

Conservation of linear momentum and applications.

Static and kinetic friction, centripetal force, dynamics of circular motion.


Unit 4: Work, Energy, and Power

Work-energy theorem, kinetic and potential energy.

Conservative and non-conservative forces.

Elastic and inelastic collisions, motion in vertical circles.


Unit 5: Rotational Motion

Concepts of torque, angular momentum, and conservation laws.

Moment of inertia, theorems on axes, and rigid body dynamics.


Unit 6: Gravitation

Newton’s law of gravitation, Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.

Gravitational potential energy, escape velocity, satellite motion.


Unit 7: Properties of Solids and Liquids

Stress-strain relationship, Hooke’s law, fluid mechanics, Bernoulli’s principle.

Surface tension, capillary action, viscosity, and thermal expansion.


Unit 8: Thermodynamics

Laws of thermodynamics, heat, work, internal energy.

Processes: isothermal, adiabatic, reversible, and irreversible.


Unit 9: Kinetic Theory of Gases

Ideal gas equation, kinetic energy, degrees of freedom.

Applications to specific heat capacities, mean free path.


Unit 10: Oscillations and Waves

Simple harmonic motion, energy in SHM.

Wave motion, standing waves, resonance, and beats.


Unit 11: Electrostatics

Coulomb’s law, electric field, potential, and flux.

Gauss’s law and its applications, capacitance, and energy storage in capacitors.


Unit 12: Current Electricity

Ohm’s law, resistance, Kirchhoff’s laws, Wheatstone bridge.

Cells in series and parallel, power, and resistivity.


Unit 13: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law, forces on currents.

Magnetic properties of materials, solenoids, and magnetic dipoles.


Unit 14: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws, AC circuits, resonance, and transformers.


Unit 15: Electromagnetic Waves

Characteristics of EM waves, displacement current.

Electromagnetic spectrum and applications.


Unit 16: Optics

Reflection, refraction, lens formula, total internal reflection.

Wave optics, Young’s double-slit experiment, diffraction, and polarization.


Unit 17: Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

Photoelectric effect, de Broglie wavelength, wave-particle duality.


Unit 18: Atoms and Nuclei

Bohr’s model, hydrogen spectrum, nuclear energy, and fission/fusion.


Unit 19: Electronic Devices

Semiconductor diodes, rectifiers, transistors, logic gates.


Unit 20: Experimental Skills

Experiments involving measurement tools like Vernier calipers, screw gauge, and principles like Young’s modulus, resistivity, and optics.

This syllabus emphasizes theoretical concepts, problem-solving skills, and practical applications. Prepare systematically by focusing on each unit while solving previous years’ questions and mock tests.

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