IIT JEE ADVANCED 2025 Syllabus

Here is the syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics for IIT JEE ADVANCED 2025. 


1. General Topics

Units and dimensions, dimensional analysis.

Significant figures and error analysis.

Measurement techniques using Vernier calipers, screw gauge, and more.

2. Mechanics

Kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, Work-energy theorem.

Conservation laws, rotational dynamics, and rigid body mechanics.

3. Thermal Physics

Thermodynamics, kinetic theory, and calorimetry.

Heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation.

4. Electricity and Magnetism

Coulomb’s law, Electric fields, and potentials.

Magnetic effects, electromagnetic induction, and AC circuits.

5. Optics

Reflection, refraction, wave optics including interference, diffraction, and polarization.

6. Modern Physics

Atomic structure, radioactivity, and quantum phenomena.



1. Physical Chemistry

States of matter: gases and liquids.

Thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and equilibrium.

2. Inorganic Chemistry

Periodic table trends, chemical bonding, and coordination chemistry.

Group properties and transition elements.

3. Organic Chemistry

Basics of hydrocarbons, functional groups, and reaction mechanisms.

Polymers, biomolecules, and everyday life applications.



1. Algebra

Quadratic equations, progression series, and complex numbers.

Permutations and combinations, binomial theorem.

2. Calculus

Limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration.

Applications in geometry and physics.

3. Coordinate Geometry

Equations of straight lines, circles, conic sections, and 3D geometry.

4. Vectors and 3D Geometry

Vector operations, dot and cross products, and geometric applications.

5. Probability and Statistics

Basic probability rules, Bayes’ theorem, and random variables.

6. Trigonometry

Trigonometric identities, equations, and inverse functions.


This comprehensive syllabus provides the foundational topics for JEE Advanced 2025, ensuring aspirants are well-prepared for the challenges ahead.

For a detailed breakdown, you can refer to the official JEE Advanced brochure . Click here to find the same. 

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